The Healing Circle is a container of loving-kindness that holds you and honors all of you just as you are so that you can awaken to the light of your true nature and manifest in the world.
The words health, healthy and healing are all derived from the same Germanic root word meaning wholeness. To be whole is to be healthy. When we are not whole we are split off from our core centre. We are manupulated by our thinking process.
In our meetings we practice concious breathing that heightens awareness of our emotional patterns. We increase sense body perceptions. We cleanse the mind from conditioned believes and past memory files . We let go of addiction and attachment. We heal and transform the energy of Emotions into Wisdom and Love.
It is a practice of loving yourself so deeply that your true nature comes shining through ultimately giving you a sense of comfort and connectedness to your Soul.
Join us for this powerful program of 1.45 hour classes meeting once a week. Learn and practice meditation, breath awareness, deep relaxation and how to integrate new energies into your life. Mindfulness is paying attention, in the here and now, sensing your body, being kind and gentle with yourself, experiencing without judgment and living life fully, whatever the stressors or challenges may be.
** All appointments are made by phone. For general enquiries please email
** All appointments are made by phone. For general enquiries please email